STUDENT Refugee program

the Multicultural Centre is proud to support the World University Service of Canada (WUSC) and its local committee here at Lakehead.

What is WUSC?

WUSC is a Canadian non-profit organization that believes education changes the world. It focuses on improving access to quality education and employment opportunities for young people around the world. One of WUSC’s flagship programs is the Student Refugee Program (SRP), which enables young refugees to pursue higher education in Canada. It is the only refugee program in the world that is directly linked to post-secondary education thanks in large part to its partnerships with local committees and student unions.

The Role of the Student Union and Local Committee

At Lakehead University, LUSU and the WUSC Local Committee play a pivotal role in the SRP. Students have consistently voted to independently fund the SRP program at Lakehead University. Your dedication and efforts have directly sponsored over 20 refugee students from around the world, providing them with the opportunity to start a new life. Comprising dedicated student and community volunteers, the local committee works tirelessly to raise additional funds, provide support, and create a welcoming environment for sponsored refugee students.

Here’s how we makes a difference:

  • Fundraising: The committee organizes various fundraising events throughout the year to support the sponsorship of refugee students. These events not only generate funds but also raise awareness about global refugee issues within the university community.
  • Support Services: Upon arrival, sponsored students receive comprehensive support for their first year. This includes assistance with settling into their new homes, navigating the university system, and accessing essential services such as healthcare and banking.
  • Mentorship and Integration: The local committee pairs each sponsored student with a mentor who helps them adjust to life in Canada, providing guidance and support as they navigate academic and social challenges.
  • Community Building: Through social events, cultural activities, and informational workshops, the committee helps sponsored students build connections, form friendships, and become active members of the Lakehead community.

Impact of the Sponsorship Program

Since its inception, the WUSC Local Committee at Lakehead University has sponsored over 20 refugee students, each with their unique stories of resilience and hope. These students come from diverse backgrounds and regions affected by conflict, including Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia. Through the sponsorship program, they have been given the chance to rebuild their lives and pursue their academic and career aspirations.

The impact of the SRP extends beyond the sponsored students themselves. It enriches the entire university community by fostering a culture of empathy, global awareness, and social responsibility. Sponsored students bring unique perspectives and experiences that enhance the diversity of our campus, contributing to a richer and more inclusive learning environment.

Get Involved

The success of the WUSC Local Committee at Lakehead University is driven by the passion and commitment of student volunteers. There are many ways you can get involved and make a difference:

  • Join the Committee: Become a member of the WUSC Local Committee and participate in planning and executing events, fundraising activities, and support programs.
  • Donate: Contribute financially to the SRP to help cover the costs of tuition, living expenses, and other essential needs for sponsored students.
  • Mentor: Volunteer as a mentor to provide personalized support and guidance to a sponsored student.
  • Raise Awareness: Help spread the word about the SRP and the importance of supporting refugee education through social media, campus events, and community outreach.

By getting involved with WUSC at Lakehead University, you can play a part in transforming lives and promoting global education and peace. For more information or to join the WUSC Local Committee, visit our office at the Multicultural Centre, or contact us directly.

Together, we can continue to make a positive impact and support refugee students in achieving their dreams.