The Multicultural Centre has hosted numerous memorable events and activities that have brought our community together and showcased the rich cultural diversity of our student body. Let’s take a look back at some of the highlights from the past year:

Culture Day

Our annual International Feast is one of the most anticipated events on campus. Students from various cultural backgrounds come together to share their traditions through music, dance, art and FOOD! The festival not only celebrates diversity but also promotes intercultural understanding and unity.

Cultural Workshops

Throughout the year, we host workshops on various cultural topics, such as traditional cooking classes, language lessons, and arts and crafts sessions. These workshops provide a hands-on way to learn about and appreciate different cultures.

Discussion Panels and Guest Speakers

We’ve hosted numerous discussion panels and guest speakers who have shared their insights on topics ranging from immigration and identity to global issues and cultural heritage. These events foster critical thinking and open dialogue among students and faculty.

Volunteer and Outreach Programs

Our partnership projects with student clubs and local organizations have been great opportunities for students to give back to the community and gain valuable experience.


Call for Your Ideas!

As we look ahead, we want to hear from you! What kinds of events and activities would you like to see at the Multicultural Centre? Your feedback is crucial in helping us plan programs that resonate with you and meet your needs.

Whether you have ideas for new workshops, suggestions for guest speakers, or thoughts on how we can improve our existing programs, we want to know! Reach out to us via email, social media, or drop by the centre to share your thoughts.

Together, we can continue to build a vibrant and inclusive community at Lakehead University.