green squiggle
purple circle
How do I pick up my bus pass?

Visit the LUSU Office from Monday to Friday between 9 AM and 4 PM and bring your student ID. We cannot provide a U-Pass to anyone who is not present, in person, with their student ID.

Full-time undergraduate students, remember to confirm that you’ve been charged the U-Pass fee in your tuition.

  1. Log in to MyInfo.
  2. Select: Student > My Financial Profile (not Financial Aid) > My Statement of Account > Current Year.
  3. Check if you were charged for the “LUSU Student Bus Pass” (or similar) that matches the current annual U-Pass fee.

Have this information ready in case we have not received your up-to-date enrollment details from the university.

Part-time students, graduate students, or any other students who have not been automatically charged the U-Pass fee in their tuition can purchase it at the LUSU office. We accept cash, credit, and debit. The U-Pass fee cannot be added to your tuition if you have not been automatically enrolled.

How Much Does The U-Pass Cost?

Annual Bus Pass Price:

2024/25 U-PASS     $252

(Valid September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025)


Students purchasing the U-Pass in the Winter or Summer terms will be charged a discounted price.


A replacement fee may be charged for each pass. If your student ID has been lost or stolen you must replace it before visiting the LUSU office.

Email if you need to make special arrangements or if you have any questions.


Students who have been automatically charged the u-pass fee in their tuition can opt-out if they:

Drop to part-time status before September 30th

Reside outside of the transit service area during the fall/winter terms

Are a student with a disability who requires alternate means of transportation


Opt-Out Application Form

What you will need to opt-out:
  • Proof of address (utility bill, rental/lease agreement, etc)
  • Copy of your statement of fees showing the uPass fee charged on your student account
  • Proof all classes are online
  • Mailing address for your refund cheque

Please confirm that you have been changed the u-pass fee on your tuition before applying for a refund.

When Can You Opt-Out?

You can ONLY apply for a refund between August 15th and September 30th.

The out-out application form will not be open at any other time.

The uPass opt-out period closes on September 30th and all opt-out applications must be submitted by that date. No extensions or exceptions.

Approved applicants will receive their uPass Fee refunded to them approximately 6 to 8 weeks after the opt-out closes to allow for all applications to be processed and cheques to be issued.